Thursday, May 5, 2016

Day 2

The day began with a rough hike up a mountain which slowly decended into lake Morano.  I wanted to make it here my first day but obviously wasn't able to make it. 

The weather this day was much hotter than the previous day.  

I managed to make it to mile 32.  The last bit was breathtaking but my photos didn't turn out. 

I camped in an area known as Fred's Canyon.  This evening, I decided to try cowboy camping.  That's where you sleep without a tent.  Another hiker from Tennessee saw my set up and decided to do the same.

This was the most terrifying experience thus far in the PCT.  Laying on the ground without a tent is un-nerving.

I was "in bed" by about seven.  Over the course of an hour, thesky slowly went black but my attention to the noise around me wouldn't shut off.  When I was about to fall asleep, I felt something tug on my clothes bag (I was using it as a pillow). I freaked out and yelled.  The Tennessee guy shot up from his cowboy camp and asked what was wrong.  I told him what happened.  After a few minutes we laid back down, then I saw this in the shadows. 

I scared it away.  It was some kind of wombat like rodent.  Others have told me there are foxes in the area and it might have that.  

Well, me and Tennessee were done with that experience and we both set up our tents.  He was also laying there in complete terror for two hours, hoping I'd tap out first, which I did.  

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